Gain clarity for yourself and your work

The 1:1 program for a well-founded positioning & brand identity
The "Foundations for Creations" positioning program is a clarifying journey that shows you as an entrepreneur or self-employed person what you and your business really stand for. You will be supported in sharpening your professional vision, gaining clarity about your identity as an entrepreneur or self-employed person and pouring it into a stable foundation so that future business decisions are easy for you and you have created the basis for authentic visibility.
What's it about?
Deine Positionierung ist die Ausgangslage für deine Sichtbarkeit und deinen Unternehmensaufbau.
Anhand von ihr gewinnst du Klarheit darüber, wo auf der Landkarte deines Marktes du dein Zelt aufschlagen willst, welche Talente und Fähigkeiten dir eigen sind, welche Kund:innen du ansprechen willst und wie du dich von deinen Mitbewerbern abhebst.
Erst wenn du diese Punkte sauber und im Detail erarbeitet hast, und genau weisst, wofür du und dein Business stehen, kannst du erfolgreich mit deinem Business agieren und dafür sichtbar werden.
In Foundations for Creations erarbeitest du dir anhand der "reveal-to-appeal" Methode in gemeinsamen 1:1 Sessions sowie in der Reflektion mit anschliessendem Austausch eine fundierte und auf dich angepasste, stimmige Positionierung und Markenidentität als Ausgangsbasis für all deine weiteren Businessentscheide sowie Marketing- und Kommunikationsaktivitäten.
Ich begleite und unterstütze dich dabei und habe immer ein Auge darauf, dass wir nicht vom Weg abkommen und die Story rund und stimmig wird.
Step by step to your brand world
Using the “reveal-to-appeal” method, we unlock your potential and create your very own personal brand identity step by step.
Sharpen your vision
First, we reflect, outline and structure your individual situation to see what obstacles are still standing in the way of your visibility. We remove these and create clarity about your entrepreneurial personality. Then we open up the field and focus on the vision of your entrepreneurial future.
Mark out your field
With your vision in mind, we delve deep into the uniqueness of you, your company, your offer and your target group, formulate a clear and relevant positioning and develop your brand identity and define your archetypes. This will help you define your field and create the groundbreaking foundations for your brand world.

Become visible to your customers
With the knowledge gained, we use a brand identity guideline to lay the foundation for an attractive visual and communicative presence that suits you and shows you and your work in all its facets. With this framework in hand, decisions for effective marketing activities will be easy for you from now on.
Your Roadmap for Foundations for Creations
We reflect on and structure your individual starting position, resolve hurdles and define what you want to achieve with your self-employment or your company. We record this in a personal goal statement.
Format: 1:1 coaching sessions
Based on your positioning, we develop the guidelines for your visible brand identity based on archetype checks, finding a suitable brand name and claim (or reviewing your existing one) and formulating your brand story, thus laying the foundation for your visual and communicative appearance.
1:1 session, exchange via email
Von der Zielformulierung ausgehend öffnen wir das Feld und richten den Blick auf die Vision deiner unternehmerischen Zukunft.
Wir denken gross, denn if you can dream it, you can do it!
Format: 1:1 Coaching Session
Regardless of whether you design your CI and website yourself or outsource it to someone else, by creating your brand identity guideline you will always have the relevant information you need for your professional online and offline presence at hand. You will also receive a template for briefing photographers, graphic designers and website designers.
Workbook, exchange via email
With your vision in mind, we delve into the uniqueness of you, your company, your offer and your target group and develop a clear and relevant positioning for you and your company as the basis for your brand world.
Format: 1:1 intensive workshop
Color, style and outfit advice for an appearance that authentically represents you, your brand and your offering.
In a bonus session, we will determine your personal color and material type for the right outfit choice for the photo shoot or other appearances where you will be visible for your brand.
Format: 1:1 session
Business Starter: You want to become self-employed
You are working in the lifestyle sector and are just starting out on your own or are about to start a business.
You know what your field of activity should be, but you don't yet know exactly how you should offer it to your customers and how you should become visible for it.
Together we create a brand world tailored to you and your business as the foundation for an authentic and coherent online and offline presence.
Business Restarter: You are stuck with your business
You are already self-employed in the lifestyle sector or run a company, but somehow what you are doing no longer feels right lately.
You may have customers, but when someone asks you what exactly you do or what your company stands for, you are never really satisfied with your answer because it doesn't feel right (anymore).
Together we take a bird's eye view, look at your business from there and find out where the discrepancies come from. We resolve these by putting you and your business back in the right position and thus creating a foundation for a coherent online and offline presence that really suits you.

BY FOUNDATIONS FOR CREATIONS... feel empowered and have gained clarity for yourself
You know (again) who you are and what you want to bring out into the world. You know how to best express your mission. know exactly what you and your company stand for
You will develop a crystal-clear positioning that serves as a guide and focal point for your entire business. Your elevator pitch is ready and your brand communication and customer acquisition will become noticeably easier.
...are you ready to become effectively visible
You hold your branding guidelines in your hands and know exactly which visual and content messages you can use to inspire your ideal customers. This increases your self-confidence and your magnetism starts to work. can easily choose the right marketing activities
You know exactly who your target group is and what messages you can use to reach them. Deciding for or against marketing activities is easy and you can use your valuable time to focus on your actual work.
Planning your trip
Developing your positioning is as individual and unique as you are. Depending on your type and starting point, it may take more or less time in one area or another. That's why we start with an initial discussion or a first initial session to clarify your individual situation and needs. Then we decide how we will design the journey to your brand identity.
Initial contact to clarify your situation and needs
If you have any questions or concerns, you can write to me in advance or we can have a free 30-minute initial consultation in which we get to know each other and look together at what your needs are and whether Foundations for Creations fits in with them.
I look forward to your message via or you can book a free 30-minute initial consultation here .
your financial investment

3,000.- CHF excl. VAT
*includes all 1:1 sessions/workshops as well as email support, all documents from the sessions, comprehensive workbook for your brand identity guidelines and briefings, free bonus session "Get Foto Fit"
Recognize the desires of your target group
A strong brand has one thing above all: a face and a personality.
In addition to a well-founded positioning statement, assigning the brand to one of CG Jung's 12 archetypes helps to give it this face and personality. As such, your brand stands out from the crowd, tells your target group the story that triggers something in them, and says what you stand for in just a few words and images. You will attract customers who are a good fit for you and are looking for exactly what you offer them with your brand.
Carl Gustav Jung's 12 archetypes are universally understandable symbols or patterns that exist in the collective unconscious of all people. They are innate and inherited and shape our thoughts, feelings and behavior.
These archetypes help you understand your customers' desires, desired goals and main concerns, so you can send the right visual and content messages to make them feel attracted to your presence and communication.