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Lateral Thinker, Vision Holder, Brand & Marketing Expert (EMMS), certified Business Coach (DBCA)

People Person

I am a person who is interested in people. I love interacting with people, communicating, having fun and creating something together. Even as a child, I observed and absorbed everything that happened around me: the international guests and customers at my parents' house, the other children at school, the experiences my older siblings had. In this way, I got to know and understand the differences in cultural behaviour and human interactions at an early age. And I developed a strong sense for energies and vibrations between people. As a result, it is now easy for me to approach people openly, assess them and respond to them.

Professional experience

Before setting up my own business in 2018, I pursued an international career for over 13 years, working in the UK, Germany and French-speaking Switzerland. I held various positions in marketing and product management in the lifestyle industry with brands such as Mercedes-Benz and Swatch as well as various fashion and textile companies.

During this time, I not only had the opportunity to acquire a broad range of specialist knowledge and understand what people want and how best to get them excited about a product, but also to learn how large corporations and medium-sized family businesses work, what their very own dynamics are and how much origin has to do with behaviour and expectations.

Educational background
I have two university degrees in law (lic.iur.) from the University of Zurich and an Executive Master in Marketing and Sales (EMMS) from the business schools SDA Bocconi Milano and Esade Barcelona.


I am also a certified business coach (DBCA) from the Dr. Bock Coaching Academy in Berlin and have a double certification as a facilitator in family and organisational constellations from the SPARK Academy in Zurich.

I also have completed further training in digital marketing, fashion marketing, social media and human design, as well as training as a personal fashion stylist at the University of the Arts London.


My interests

I have always been interested in everything that makes up the ‘lifestyle’ of a culture: its craftsmanship, its fashion, its cuisine, its cultural expression. This is one of the reasons why I am passionate about travelling and discovering the country and its people. 


How it all comes together

My diverse range of experiences, skills and interests, coupled with my 360° thinking and creative mind, my analytical skills and my pragmatic approach, have laid the foundation for what I stand for today with my company Framework Studios.


With Framework Studios, I want to support entrepreneurs and self-employed people in becoming empowered, self-effective and successful in their visibility.


I want to support them in gaining clarity about their vision, their potential and their (brand) identity and offer them a protected space for their personal and professional development.


Framework Studios offers you the space for an intensive examination of yourself and your company, so that you can act in your business with strength and on a solid foundation and become authentically and successfully visible for what you stand for with your business.


Through reflection, looking into your entrepreneurial future and developing a clear and relevant positioning, we create a solid foundation for a focused and attractive customer approach that suits you and your company.


The goal is for you to be able to concentrate fully on your core competencies without investing unnecessary time, energy and money in unfocused marketing efforts.


Empathie - Acting independently


Personal responsibility - taking responsibility for one's own actions and omissions


Passion - enthusiasm and interest in the cause


Ambition - achieving goals and the will to improve


Humor - making others laugh and being able to laugh at yourself


Inspiring people to recognize, get to the heart of and realize their full potential.


My own journey

In 2018, I started my own business with THINK LATERAL. More by chance than with any clear intention. I knew I had an entrepreneurial streak, but I didn't know what to do with it. I was very aware of my diverse skills, but I didn't know what to do with them, nor could I imagine bringing them all together.

And so, at the beginning, I offered what I had previously done internally for large and small companies: innovative product and marketing implementations.


Over time and with experience in self-employment, however, I realized that pure implementation no longer satisfied me and that most of my clients actually lacked a stable brand foundation for focused and successful marketing activities.


So I developed not only in terms of content, but also as a company and decided that my company name THINK LATERAL no longer covered everything that I actually have to offer. THINK LATERAL is my core, my multi-layered way of thinking and implementing things. It describes the process within me that has an external effect on others.


But what I actually want to enable my clients to do on their journey with their company is to internalize what they want to achieve externally.


And for this they need a sound framework for their work, a crystal-clear positioning and a comprehensive brand identity so that they can play on their stage independently and confidently and become visible for their full potential.


By renaming my company to FRAMEWORK STUDIOS, I am doing justice to this need and to my own full potential. As a vision holder, my job is to encourage my clients to reflect, to accompany them in their process of developing their potential and to actively support them with my expertise in brand building and marketing in laying the foundation for their company.


Contact me at:


Julie Stephanie Koch
Rindermarkt 14

8001 Zurich

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